New Headway Video - Part 1- Beginner
New Headway Video - Part 1- Beginner |
je vous presente New Headway Video - Part 1- Beginner يوجد اربع مستويـات لـ Oxford english video Beginner
Elementary Pre-Intermediate Intermediate ــــــ
وكل جزء فيه حوالي اربعين دقيقة ,عدا الجزء الاخير فيه قرابة الساعة
اليوم بعون الله رفعت الجزء الاول Part 1- Beginner حجم الملف : 150.43MB
Product details
Description Complete English language syllabus for the absolute or near beginner Step-by-step approach for steady progression Real-world speaking skills - Everyday English, Spoken English, Music of English Clear, fresh design includes plenty of photos and illustrations Full teacher support - resources, photocopiables, tests and more - in print and online
التحميـــــل Over here
Description | |
Complete English language syllabus for the absolute or near beginner Step-by-step approach for steady progression Real-world speaking skills - Everyday English, Spoken English, Music of English Clear, fresh design includes plenty of photos and illustrations Full teacher support - resources, photocopiables, tests and more - in print and online |
New Headway Video - Part 1- Beginner
Reviewed by Le Salarié